Ekologiska dinkel fusilli
Alce Nero organic whole fusilli is made using only whole semolina from organic durum wheat, which comes from merely milling the whole grain and which has undergone no refinement and features no additives.
The semolina dough is made with spring water from the Dolomites, which gives it an entirely unique flavour.
Alce Nero organic whole durum wheat pasta is a source of fibre which is sure to leave you feeling full for longer and which also helps to keep the intestine functioning as it should. That is why it’s the right choice for people following a healthy, balanced diet.
- Dinkelmjöl*.*Ekologisk.
Näringsvärde per 100g: Näringsdeklaration per 100g: Energi Kcal 347 / kj 1457, fett 1,8 g Varav mättat fett 0,3 g , kolhydrat 68 g, varav Sockerarter 2,2 g, fiber 4 g, protein 12 g Salt 0g.